
Merlin Gotcha for Gaza

What is a Gotcha for Gaza?A fandom Gotcha of Gaza event is where fans come together to donate to fundraisers to help those in Gaza in return for prompts they want to be filled. Simple as that.Creators: sign up with what type of content they are willing to create for the event and are assigned prompts given by donors that fit their comfort level for creating.Donors: donate a pre-specified minimum amount of money to pre-specified and vetted sources (more is always appreciated but not required). In return for proof of donation they can send in a prompt they wish to see filled and one of the creators would fill it.How to get prompt filledYou can get a prompt in three easy steps!
1. check out the prompt list below and donate the appropriate amount to one of the fundraisers linked at the bottom of the page.
2. take a screenshot when you are done with your donation for proof of donations. Then DM it to the Tumblr or X pages.
3. fill out the Donor Form linked at the bottom of this page.
If you have any trouble with or any questions about this process please don't hesitate to DM either the tumblr or X account!Types of prompts and pricingNOW OFFERING A BOGO DEAL UNTIL THE END OF THE EVENT! FOR THE PRICE OF ONE PROMPT YOU CAN NOW GET TWO!!We are offering several different kinds of content for you guys to send in a prompt for, here is the list of pricing and parameters. If you have any questions about this list or the event in general then please dm us on x or tumblr.Fics
SFW: 5$
NSFW: 8$
(no dead dove: do not eat prompts, for example nothing with incest, heavy gore, pedophilia and things of that nature.)
SFW: 5$
NSFW: 8$
(Same as fics, no dd;dne pormpts)
1-30 secs: 5$
31-65 secs: 8$
1-5,000 words: 5$
add a dollar for ever thousand words after this.
(We will need permission from the original fic writer, and please make sure it is not a dd;dne fic)
1$ per gif in the set.
Important datesJuly 1-31st: Our donation/prompt submission periodFAQsCan I submit multiple prompts?
Yes, so long as your donation is enough to cover it you are more than welcome to submit as many prompts as you want!
Can I send in a prompt for a crossover?
We have a lot of creators willing to create crossover content so long as they are familiar with the universe. So send a dm to the x or tumblr page with the crossover prompt you want to submit and we will see if anyone can fill it.
Can I still sign up as a creator after June 30th?
We have a good amount of most types of creators, however we could still use some more artists. If you are willing to be an artist for the event then send in a DM to the x or tumblr accounts and you'll be allowed to sign up late.
Can I be a creator and a donor?
Yes, absolutely! we encourage you to do both if that's what you'd like!
What if I'm sending in multiple prompts, do I need to fill out the donor form multiple times?
Yes, that way we can get all the basic info we need to fill each prompt.

